Akhmad Akbar Susamto, Ph.D
Akhmad Akbar Susamto, S.E., M.Phil., Ph.D. is a lecturer at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) and serves as Head of the Master of Development Economics (MEP) Study Program at FEB UGM. Previously, he was the Head of the Islamic Economics and Halal Industry Doctoral Study Program (PIIH), UGM Graduate School (2018-2020) and Coordinator of the Center for Sharia Economics and Business Studies (PKEBS) FEB UGM (2016-2020).
In addition, he is active in various organizations related to Islamic economics, including as Chairperson of the Alumni Corps of the Forum Silaturahim Studi Ekonomi Islam (KA-FoSSEI) (2017-2021) and Chairperson of the Expert Council of the same organization (2021-2027), General Secretary of the Regional Leadership Council of the Indonesian Islamic Economists Association (DPW IAEI) DI Yogyakarta (2017-2022) and Chairperson of the same organization (2024-2028), Chairperson of the Regional Management of the Sharia Economics Society (PW MES) DI Yogyakarta (2021-2023) and member of the Expert Council of the same organization (2023-2027). He is also a member of the Board of Experts at the Central Executive Board of the Association of Sharia People’s Economic Banks throughout Indonesia (DPP HIMBARSI).
He has published a number of articles on Islamic economics, development economics, Islamic finance, and economic policy in various reputable journals, including:
- ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance.
- Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance.
- Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research.
- Islamic Economic Studies.
- American Journal of Islam and Society.
- Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development.
- Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization.
- Gender, Technology and Development.
- Cogent Social Sciences.
- Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.
- International Journal of Energy Sector Management.
- International Journal of Innovation Science.
He completed his bachelor’s degree in economics and development studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business, UGM (2004). Afterward, he earned a master’s degree in economics at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Australia (2009), and a doctorate in economics at the Research School of Economics, College of Business and Economics, Australian National University (2014).
Akhmad Akbar Susamto’s email: akhmad.susamto@ugm.ac.id
Diyah Putriani, Ph.D
Diyah Putriani, Ph.D. is a lecturer at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada. She currently serves as a Member of the Economic and Entrepreneurship Division at the Regional Board of ICMI (Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association), Yogyakarta Special Region.
Her research interests lie in Islamic economics, which have resulted in various publications in reputable journals such as the Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah, and Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam.
In addition, she has authored several books, including:
- Determinants of Financial Inclusion in Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia, featured in the book Compilation of Applied Economic Analysis.
- Artificial Intelligence and Agent-Based Computational Model: Concepts and Applications in Islamic Economic and Financial Research.
Diyah completed her undergraduate studies in Economics and Development Studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (2010). She then earned her Master of Economics from the International Islamic University Malaysia (2013) and pursued her studies further to obtain a Doctor of Philosophy from the same institution.
Diyah Putriani’s email: diyah.putriani@ugm.ac.id
Novat Pugo Sambodo, S.E., MIDEC.
Novat Pugo Sambodo, S.E., MIDEC., Ph.D. is a Lecturer in Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada. He currently serves as the Secretary for the Economic and Entrepreneurship Division at the Regional Board of ICMI (Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association), Yogyakarta Special Region. Additionally, he is a Consultant for INA CBGs Tariff and Capitation in the Health Financing Activity at ThinkWell LLC (2022).
He is actively involved in various research projects that have been published in international journals, including:
- International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance
- Environmental and Economical Aspect, Journal of Engineering Science and
- Technology Review
- Health Policy and Planning
- Social Science and Medicine
- Frontiers in Public Health
- Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source
Novat began his higher education by earning a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (2010). He then obtained a Master of International and Development Economics from the Australian National University, Australia (2015) and completed his Doctor of Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam (2024).
Novat Pugo Sambodo’s email: novat.pugo.s@ugm.ac.id
Esa Azali Asyahid, S.E., M.Sc.
Esa Azali Asyahid, S.E., M.Sc. is a Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada. He also served as an Expert Team for the Calculation of State Losses and State Economic Losses in a corruption case related to the Transfer of Function of the Karang Gading and Northeast Langkat Wildlife Sanctuary Areas, North Sumatra High Prosecutor’s Office.
Esa is active in various researches that have been published in international journals, such as the International Journal of Globalization and Small Business and Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences. In addition, he is also active in publishing works that focus on macroeconomics, one of which is through a book entitled Macroeconomic and Social Impacts of the MBKM Program: Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka – Leading Change in Transforming Higher Education in Indonesia.
Esa Azali Asyahid’s email: azali.asyahid@mail.ugm.ac.id
Muhammad Ryan Sanjaya, S.E., M.Int.Dev.Ec., Ph.D.
Muhammad Ryan Sanjaya, S.E., M.Int.Dev.Ec., Ph.D. is a Lecturer in Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada. He currently serves as a consultant for the Consulting Services Procurement Study on Social Protection Perspectives and Willingness to Pay for Motor Vehicle Taxes, in collaboration with P2EB UGM and PT Jasa Raharja.
Dr. Ryan specializes in Behavioral Economics and Experimental Economics, with several research studies published in renowned journals, including:
- The Impact of Cultural Heterogeneity on Violence in Indonesia: Fractionalisation versus Polarization
- An Experiment on Bribery, Tenure Duration, and Punishment Severity in the Indonesian Public Finance Context
- Antisocial Behavior in Experiments: What Have We Learned from the Past Two Decades?
Ryan began his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (2005). He then pursued a Master in Economic Development and Policies at the Australian National University (2012) and completed his Doctor of Philosophy at RMIT University, Australia (2020).
Muhammad Ryan Sanjaya’s email: m.ryan.sanjaya@ugm.ac.id
Dea Yustisia, S.E., MSc
Dea Yustisia, S.E., M.Sc. is a lecturer at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Besides teaching, she is actively involved in research and consultancy in economic development, fiscal policy, and sustainability. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Universitas Gadjah Mada (2013) and completed her Master’s in Economics at Tilburg University, Netherlands (2022) with the Orange Tulip Scholarship and Holland Scholarship from the Dutch government.
Throughout her career, she has collaborated on various research and consultancy projects with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), PT ANTAM Tbk, and the Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF).
Some of her published studies include:
- “Empirical Analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve” (2014) – Examining the link between economic growth and sustainability.
- “Measuring Profit Shifting Tendency of Companies that Adhere to ESG Standards” (2022) – Exploring the impact of ESG compliance on taxation and economic policy.
Beyond academia, Dea is also actively engaged in community service initiatives, including waste management, blood donation awareness, and sustainable economic projects.
Dea Yustisia’s email: dea.yustisia@mail.ugm.ac.id