Research Assistant 2022

Amelia Salsabila

Amelia Salsabila starts working at PKEBS FEB UGM in January 2022 until July 2022. She is an undergraduate student in FEB UGM who takes economics as her major, and has interests in sharia banking and monetary policy. Amel has responsibility for managing data and creating monthly infographics about sharia economics.

Amelia Salsabila’s email:



Kamilatul Fadhilah

Kamila started working at PKEBS FEB UGM in February 2020 until October 2022. She is an undergraduate student in FEB UGM who takes economics as her major. Kamila has responsible as a data manager who manages data and coordinates research training at PKEBS. She has an interest in development economics research.

Kamilatul Fadhilah’s email:



Zulfa Pramita Ramadhani

Zulfa is an undergraduate student majoring in Economics at FEB UGM and has an interest in development economics research. She starts working at PKEBS FEB UGM in January 2022 until December 2022. Apart from being responsible for research at PKEBS, she is in charge of administration, correspondence, and finance.

Zulfa Pramita’s email:



Karrina Nur Anisa

Karrina is an undergraduate student majoring in economics at FEB UGM. She has an interest in public economics and development economics research. She starts working at PKEBS FEB UGM in February 2022 until December 2022. Apart from being responsible for research at PKEBS, she is also responsible for graphic design, Web Administrator, and managed social media.

Karrina Nur Anisa’s email :



Lina Mufidah

Lina is an undergraduate student majoring in accounting at FEB UGM.  She starts working at PKEBS FEB UGM in May 2022 until October 2022. Apart from being responsible for research at PKEBS, she is also responsible for managing Business Clinic and other PKEBS programs.

Lina Mufidah’s email:



Gusfikar Yusuf

Gusfikhar Yusuf Nurrafif Darwanto starts working at PKEBS FEB UGM in May 2022 until December 2022. He is an undergraduate student in FEB UGM who takes economics as his major, and has interests in development economics. Yusuf has responsibility as a research assistant, creating monthly infographics about sharia economics, and managing some PKEBS programs.

Gusfikhar Yusuf’s email:



Maulana Ryan Nurfadhila

Ryan is an undergraduate student majoring in Economics at FEB UGM.  He starts working at PKEBS FEB UGM in July 2022. Ryan has responsibility for managing data and coordinating field survey.

Maulana Ryan’s email: