Vision and Missions


To be a research institution that supports Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada to be the best faculty of economics and business in Indonesia and highly respected in South-East Asia in sharia economics teaching and knowledge advancement, both in theoretical and practical level.


To develop human resources with strong integrity and advanced knowledge on sharia economics, business, and finance so as to spreading sharia economics across the world and promote the betterment of the society.


Preparing, establishing, and/or coordinating various policies and establishing events which aims to encourage teaching and knowledge advancement on sharia economics, business, and finance in Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada, either alone or working with other institutions:

1. Collecting, processing, and reserving information and data which is related with sharia economics, business, and finance.

2. Conducting empirical and theoretical research on sharia economics, business, and finance.

3. Disseminating information, data, and research which is related with sharia economics, business, and finance.

4. Establishing various training, workshop, and seminar on sharia economics, business, and finance.